Jas D Rob
3 min readAug 30, 2021

Hi. My name is Jasmyne. How you may know me varies. I’m Jacob and Dianna’s daughter. A big sister to many. An author. The young woman who helps with the elderly. __’s ex girlfriend. A CASA volunteer. A Jesus freak according to some of you. These are all true, and there are many more things that I’m known by. But they’re only surface level.

Sure, I look good on paper, but let me tell you about my heart. I’m a full blown sinner. I’m a liar. I’m a cheater. I’ve lusted after men. I’ve gossiped. I’ve disrespected my parents. I’ve stolen. I’ve cussed. I’ve disrespected the temple God has given me. I’ve overeaten. I’ve falsely judged people. I’ve been…